
5 easy tips for sustaining good health in children

Sustaining good health in children is the most important for every parent to do. If the child is fit, and their growth and development are optimal, then the child will always be active and cheery in their day-to-day lives. 

5 easy tips for sustaining good health in children

1. Make it a routine to begin the day with a nutritional breakfast

By getting children to have breakfast in the morning, they can become energized and eager about their activities. Try to give your children breakfast with balanced nutritious foods, namely: protein and fat (meat, chicken, fish, eggs), carbohydrates (rice, bread), vitamins and minerals (vegetables, fruit, nuts), and milk.

2. Teach them that eating healthy and drinking water is important for the body

Regarding that children are always growing, parents must teach them the belief that eating healthy food and drinking sufficient water is crucial for growth. Give an example to the child by always eating healthy food and drinking lots of water.

3. Increase time spent on physical activity

Not only sustain physical health, but physical activity can also support psychological health. In addition, exercising can also develop the body’s metabolism. Other benefits of exercise include increasing bone density (jumping rope/skipping), optimizing heart health (running, cycling, swimming, soccer), increasing muscle strength, and increasing cognitive function and intelligence of the baby.

4. Get sufficient and regular sleep

Children who lack sleep will have difficulty concentrating. They may also be prone to obesity, and become irritable. The amount of sleep time for babies or children varies, depending on their age. That is, for ages 0-3 months it is recommended to sleep 14-17 hours/day, for ages 4-11 months 12-15 hours/day, for ages 1-2 years it is recommended 11-14 hours/day, 3-5 years old suggested 10-13 hours/day.

5. Teach children to clean themselves and the environment

Cleaning oneself and the environment is one way to prevent disease. Teach children the importance of taking a bath twice a day, washing their hands often, and cleaning their room and play area. Parents must lead by example and educate themselves to improve personal, home, and environmental hygiene if the child is still a toddler.

There is no need to practice these tips at once or at the same time. They can be done in stages. But if parents feel they need help to do any of them, they can consult with a pediatrician to get proper directions regarding setting a schedule. sleep, play, or set a good diet for children.


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