
5 places you skip when you apply sunscreen

You may enjoy slapping sunscreen on your face, arms, and legs before you head out. And that’s good. It is a start but, don’t stop there.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) suggests that most adults need enough sunscreen to fill a shot glass to cover exposed skin on the whole body. But most people apply only 25 to 50 percent of that amount.

Certain areas on your body tend to be ignored, either because applying sunscreen to them is weird or because the spot doesn’t seem to warrant sunscreen as it does not get enough sunlight. But many of these areas are high-risk skin cancer locations.

So don’t skip these areas next time you apply some SPF.

1. Ears

The ears are not the easiest place to apply sunscreen, thanks to their many folds. But they get plenty of sunlight, so don’t neglect them. 

2. Eyelids

The skin around your eyes is thin, and that makes it exposed to skin cancer. Skin cancer on the eyelids accounts for up to 10 percent of all skin cancers, according to Cancer.Net, the website of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. The eyelid can be sensitive to SPF so, for protection without irritation, go for a mineral sunscreen that contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. Or you can find one that’s formulated for sensitive skin.

3. Lips

One might not think of the lips as skin, but they are. And skin cancer can develop there, too. Protecting this area is rather simple. Use a lip balm with an SPF of 30 or higher, according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association.

4. Neck and Chest

Show your neck some love, too while you apply sunscreen to other body parts. The neck and chest are also hot spots for skin cancer, and should not be spared.

5. Feet

Your feet make be taking up lots of sun rays if you are not wearing a full-coverage shoe, like sneakers. We should apply sunscreen to the tops of our feet as they are often exposed to the sun. The soles of our feet, however, are normally more protected because of a thick layer of dead skin cells. But if they will be exposed to UV light somehow you should apply SPF there, too.

People often don’t know they have moles on the part of their body they often overlook. So it’s a good idea to schedule a skin examination regularly and check these easily missed spots.


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